


适用于住在大学宿舍的学生, we have developed a set of guidelines to help you understand what you need to do during your isolation or quarantine.

Decide if you are going to remain on campus or isolate at home (if possible). We encourage students to consider returning home to complete their isolation. 如果您因任何原因无法返回家园(e).g., distance, cost, health of individuals at home, housing insecurity, safety concerns, 等.),我们会支持你在校园隔离.


如果你的检测呈阳性,你需要隔离. 检查 疾控中心隔离指南 after testing positive, including when you can end isolation. 在此期间, 你不能离开你的房间,这很重要, 公寓, or house except for an emergency or to seek medical care (or required testing). If you must leave your room, wear a well-fitting mask or face covering while you are out.

如果你在一个共用的套房/房子里隔离, you should remain in your room unless you need to use the suite facilities (厨房, 浴室, 等.), and be sure to maintain physical distance and wear a mask or face covering when you do. Do not leave to exercise, go shopping, or even take a walk.

Residential students who test positive for COVID-19 can isolate in their own room/suite without the need to relocate to a temporary housing assignment. 然而, 如果室友有什么顾虑, suitemates, 或者测试呈阳性的人, we can make accommodations for students to temporarily relocate if space is available. This information will be provided to students who test positive when they fill out the COVID-19报告表.


如果测试呈阳性, it is your responsibility to identify and communicate with individuals who have spent 15 minutes or more with you over a 24-hour period and were within 6 feet of you up to two days before your first symptom(s) developed. You can advise them to follow the instructions for quarantining found within 疾病预防控制中心针对接触COVID-19的个人的指南. Contact tracing helps others get tested or quarantine as they could begin infecting others.


Avoid contact with others in your room, suite, or house, as much as possible. You and your roommates should not invite visitors over until your isolation period is over.

Limit the use of sharing personal household items like cups, towels, and utensils.

Take steps to improve ventilation in your housing by opening the windows, 如果可能且安全的话,这样做. (Some residence halls do not allow for the windows to be open due to HVAC operations.)


You are responsible for obtaining your own meals during your isolation period. 以下是可用的选项:

  • 通过食品或杂货配送服务订购(例如.g., DoorDash, GrubHub, Instacart, 个别杂货店送货, 或者通过朋友或家人). You will be able to leave your housing briefly with a well-fitting mask or face covering to pick up your food in the lobby of your building or the entrance of your residence hall.
  • If you are on a meal plan, you can order a meal pick up or meal delivery from Dining Services online. 你必须填妥 COVID-19报告表 以便访问表格以请求用餐服务.
    • The meal pick up option allows a friend to pick up a meal that you have ordered online from Dining Services.
    • The meal delivery option provides a delivery of a meal you have ordered online from Dining Services.
    • 宿舍, 兄弟会的房子, 琼斯大厅, 或林肯公园公寓, 送货到主大厅或公共入口. For other 公寓s, townhouses, or houses, deliveries are made to your front door.

IMPORTANT: You must immediately return to your room after picking up your delivery.


If you receive any packages while in isolation, ask a friend to pick it up for you. 一定要联系 mailservices@wfnintr.net to give your authorization to your friend to pick up your package.


如果在隔离期间出现紧急问题(e.g., 你的厕所溢水了, 暖气坏了), or you notice that something in your room needs to be fixed, and it cannot wait until your isolation period is complete, 请联系 residencelife@wfnintr.net 我们将帮助解决这个问题.


遵循 疾病预防控制中心的建议 on the best way to clean high touch areas (light switches, 门把手, 计数器, 浴室, 厨房, 等.),以减少病毒的潜在传播.

We understand you may have questions about living with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. It’s important to remember that residential students who become sick with many different illnesses, 比如流感, 一个寒冷的, 莫诺, 胃部病毒, usually remain in shared rooms/suites with their roommates while recovering. 因为有高效的疫苗, mutations in the virus that are associated with milder illness, 以及更高的人群免疫水平, college students are rarely getting severely ill from COVID-19. 大学 are well-positioned to consider an isolate-in-place protocol under which residential students who test positive can isolate in their own room/suite/house without the requirement to relocate to a temporary housing assignment.

然而, 如果室友有什么顾虑, suitemates, 或者个别测试呈阳性的学生, we can make accommodations for students who test positive to temporarily relocate if space is available. This information will be provided to students who test positive when they fill out the COVID-19报告表. If roommates or suitemates are concerned about their peer who tested positive, 他们不同意就地隔离法, 联系宿舍生活通过 检疫申请表格 for assistance in finding a space for the residential student who tested positive or has symptoms.